Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tie By Tie 22b (Light Blue Quickie)

After a long day on the road today I am just gonna post a quickie regarding additional interview gear that I mentioned in the previous post.

Colors as you know and feel yourself can have a significant effect on mood. A beautiful looking flower or item will melt hearts and can change even the most foul of moods and feelings.  Its why we buy them for the SO (significant other) and when visiting the sick.  Soft and pleasing colors, cheer people up.

Thats one of the reasons that the light blue tie (in this case a solid) while being less sedate than the navy tie against navy suit is an acceptable color when interviewing. Think "clear blue skies" and the happiness and calm feelings that the color blue connotes and how it presents in people's minds. The connotation is a pleasant one.

Tomorrow, some twills.


  1. That is a perfect combination for an interview. Colorful enough that it shows some creativity, but conservative enough that it won't take attention away from you or your responses.

    I may also be biased, as light blue is my favorite color!

  2. I agree. This is as I mentioned above more friendly and cheerful.


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