Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Blue and Orange

The Pics go up and elucidation to follow :-)

Comments while they are as of yet uncommented by me are always welcome (heck, comments are always welcome always :-)

EDIT:  OK, here is what I wanted with this first post.  What this does is show some of the various colors that Blue and orange can come in.  As Steve in the comments mentions the Blue and Red (they are orange) is too contrasty.  Well...that really depends on what its with and thats why I didnt show it with the grey suit that I photographed (a blue Hickey Freeman His first for the kids/young men.  Next week I will  bring that tie in with a Navy suit and you will see how nice it can be.  For the same reason I wouldnt use the third from the right.  Too Blue.


[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="460" caption="Not all Blue and Oranges are created equal!"]Not all Blue and Oranges are created equal![/caption]

This first  tie works well in the color scheme.  Not too bold, Not too contrasty yet with some life.  whats nice about this particular tie is that its woven with two colors.  So depending on which way you turn it you get the different color dominating .  Turn it one way you get morer blue, the other you get strong (but not too strong)  orange.  The square is the classic Linen blue giving a shock of solid color in an otherwise almost too peaceful ensemble. Works well with the ensemble in a proffessional setting I think.

Of the sets, this is my least favorite.  Its not that the tie isnt nice.  It is.  I just think that it might be a little too "washed out" in the look and not offering enough pop.  I do however like the concept of bringing in the polkadot pattern into the ensemble and iot works well in a square later on.

here you get a houndstooth Orange and Blue stripe and again with the same square.  This tie gives more pop without being over the top.  Its orange is stronger as well as the other colors it has. (Blues as well).


Finally, the sale tie with the polkadot square.

The tie gives enough color and the square is interesting without being over the top.  I like the result.

1 comment:

  1. The blue and red dot pattern tie leaves something to be desired as it appears a bit 'lackluster' compared to the others in the selection. It screams too much contrast to me.

    However, the other 5 ties are a complete opposite. They have a nice color combination and blend well with each other. It almost seems that the blue/red tie needs to have an equally loud jacket to go with it, and only then to be worn more on a day when you feel in a funny mood (kind of like one of those ties with smiley faces on them).


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