Thursday, May 28, 2009

Brown and Gray, Yes Way!

Yet again we come back to the brown and gray discussion (however you spell it, grey or gray) after a posted mentioned in that Brown and Gray - No Way.

Of course shades of brown make all the difference but only insofar as the need to counter with a different color grey.

Here we take a Hickey Freeman His First sportcoat (lovely fabric) and work in a gray twill shirt, looks like this:

Add a yellow wide Chevron Tie.  The tie here yellow of course and more importantly a tan and brown large stripe running through it.  Whats important here is that even if you have no inkling of coordinating colors you can see that 1) Yellow and Brown/Beige shades work well (assuming you like the tie and think it looks nice) and therefore in all probability, this tie will work well (enough) with the blazer which is another family of brown.  Utilize this concept (if the tie looks nice, then probably the colors that are in the tie can be blended together) in getting a feel for coordination.  Unfortunately what will throw this off is that there are always the times when that tie is just plain fugly. :-)

Here I got a little aheaf of myself on this square.  Too much burgundy in it for me to like the combo (although its growing on me).  I should have gone with a more black and orange square like this one or this one.

This is what you get with that square.

Swapping out that square for another in the yellow family you get this:

Which looks together like this:

I pulled out the tie in this shot for a substitute in the same pattern with a greenish hue as opposed to the yellow for this:

All together with the yellow square gets you this:

Now going more green (always sage color to avoid the forest look which we covered earlier) with a slight gold stripe you get this:

With a square from the new collection:

Which comes together nicely in this:  The square has all your colors in it, and shows how the brown and shades of gray work nicely.

Finally for a last look at that earlier square with the new tie:

Enjoy your weekend (I am off till Sunday)


  1. Ha... I kinda knew you would when I saw it. Also Hickey Freeman.


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