Sunday, May 17, 2009

More Cream Please

Just to finish off (or better yet get you started) where we left off on Friday...

Pretty much anything goes with cream but here are some nice follow ups.  I did think that in the previous post the lilac ties were too closely related to the shirts and not offering enough contrast so to combat that you have these.

here are the ingredients that went into the next ensemble.  First see them apart:

Which comes together like this:

Same with this.  You see the orange check in the shirt blending together with the orange tie and the multicolor square again as above from the new collection.

Which comes together like this:

Since its cream as I mentioned above. pretty much anything goes, so with pink you can get it look like this:

Coming together like this:

Looking like this:


  1. very pretty combinations. would black work here or would it be too stark?

  2. Yes. In fact Black would work colorwise, although I would have to think about what kind of tie you would want in a black shirt ensemble.

  3. Red. I think red with black looks pretty nifty (again, let me stress people, I do not wear shirts and ties to the office, so my opinion may be a bit more off than others...).

    Speaking off... When are you going to do a series on dark red shirts!


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