Thursday, December 24, 2009

Tie By Tie 8 (Natural Progressions)

From the not so conventional charcoal suit/pink shirt/burgundy tie we progressed to the charcoal suit/blue shirt/ burgundy tie.  The natural course of progression would be switching the grey suit for a navy suit while leaving the burgundy tie.  I switched the square for one that works well with most colors but especially so with navy. (Bear in mind that in a regular situation the square wouldnt be sticking this far out of the pocket but more like the pictures below as in the red and brown ties).

Here is a detail of the square:

Which progresses to the red tie in the same design with that same suit, shirt and square:

Naturally progressing to the brown tie. (while I am a big fan of brown paired with blue, this brown happens to have a blue weft which makes it especially fitting for pairing with a blue shirt)

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