Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Right Tie, Wrong Shirt

I have mentioned in the past but I cant say it enough that contrast is generally your friend. Colors of items can match yet if you group too many of the same color together invariably one or the other item will look wrong.

Here is an example of the colors being correct but the applications being wrong. Rust and orange, works with black and nicely so, yet the use of the rust tie here together with the rust colored check shirt will leave you wanting.

Better in the same pattern is the green shirt, which works well with the black jacket and the contrasting rust tie. The square has a little bit of everything in it so thats no problem.

You might feel that this square is too closely color related to the rust tie and I wont disagree, so to change that you have this square.

Finally, if you absolutely love that orange shirt, change the tie so that you gain your contrast in other ways as so:

Incidentaly, my first Orange Shirt writeup :-) at least the first tag created for an orange shirt that is. Kewl!


  1. Please unsuscribe me. Thank you for your blog.



  2. Hi:

    I don't remember subscribing you in the first place that I should unsubscribe you but in general I imagine that the same was in is the same way out.

    Either way I will unsubscribe you on my end.



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