Monday, June 8, 2009

Even Brown

Picking up on last weeks black and white theme, a comment was thrown out about brown being destined to fail against a black suit white shirt background.

I promised I would and now I do challenge that way of thinking with the following photos.   To make it fair I have attached a poll so that readers can themselves decide (but bear in mind that the issue wasn't if its the BEST match, the issue was if it would fail).

The first photo is almost unfair because its brown against black in the tie, but thats really the point. The tie is striking and nice and that just goes to show that brown and black do go well together. I could almost have stopped here but lets play with this a little. (Onix, you will get your turn :-) )

This second combo has brown moving away from the black in the tie and going it alone.  The different shades of brown and the brown family in the tie allow for some coordination that everyone is familiar with already from here.  Black with rust, with beige,  and there may even be some steely blue or clay grey in there if you look close.

The satin in this almost pure brown tie against the stark white of the shirt works to give a serious yet elegant touch in this ensemble.

Brightening up a little and less severe, while this somewhat solid tie is not the greatest combo I personally would NOT say that its off.

Throwing in a little color.  What you see here is a brown, purpley blue, and pink tie against the black.  Again here all the colors work independantly with the black and as a blend work as well.  Would they work better with another color suit?  Of course.  Do they fail here?  Hardly.

Finally, a primarily beige with shades of brown tie.  You have heard the terminology "golden brown" and gold works really well with black.  Shyould it come as a shock that brown does too?

Now vote! :-)

[polldaddy poll=1686729]


  1. You converted me, but it's still very tricky.

  2. thank you! I have been looking everywhere for a nice looking black suit/brown tie combo for my fiance to wear at our wedding!
    You just made my day!

  3. Ha ha You just made my day. I was scared that we will look like idiots for my bro's wedding but now that i've seen this combinations I'm a lot more relaxed. Black suit white shirt and brown tie can work very well together. This just proves that its a matter of picking the right pattern for the shirt. On a plus side you don't see this combinations very ofetn because people are probably going safer especially for a wedding.

  4. Krista, if you are still checking up on the blog you owe us some pics of these ties in play. I and I am sure other would love to see them!

  5. Dan, glad I could be of assistance.

    Do check back and email me some pics of what it looks like and I would be glad to post em!

  6. Krista,
    I myself will be wearing something very similar in my wedding this fall of 2010. Any pointers on finding a good tie for this combo?

  7. Ben:

    Congratulations on the upcoming wedding.

    Tell me more of what you are looking for and I can make some more suggestions. I happen to know of a place that sells some decent ties as well ;-)


  8. I really like the satin tie in the 3rd picture! Do you know if those are still available and if so, what store you can buy them? Finding brown ties to match black suits for a wedding is the worst! Thanks!


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