Thursday, June 18, 2009

Stripes Galore

Much has been said about if one can put stripes (Tie) with stripes (Shirt)  and even with more stripes (suit).

In my opinion (well, Duh,  it IS my blog you know) its like everything in life.  It depends.

What you basically want to avoid is where the stripes all blend together to create what appears to be the optical illusion.   I will post a few photosd now as I am running out but the discussion will follow.

Feel free to contribute some thoughts before I get the chance.  But before you go all screaming understand that these phots are some yes's and some no's.

EDIT:  This next set works.  Stripes are different sizes and the blending of shirt suit and tie is avoided.

EDIT:  I think that this pushes the limits.  There are too many stripes in the shirt and tie so even if they arent the same size they are closely sized and when you look at the ensemble you see STRIPES! This is further exacerbated by the fact that the colors are the same (all Navy's)  Look at the next pic and its better in the red.  Better, but still not there.

EDIT:  Definately works IMO.  yes stripes but similar to the first, where the stripes dont blend together.

EDIT:  Too many similarly spaced stripes.  Made worse by the additional tones of blue.

EDIT:  Works, DESPITE the similarly spaced stripes due to the extreme contrast that the tie has against the shirt.

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