Monday, March 1, 2010

S10 Tie By Tie 3 (The drawing of the 3)

Greetings readers. I hope your weekend was as enjoyable as mine was.

Here completes this series of pin dot tie, with a burgundy textured pin dot accompanied with a grey striped shirt and ovals with burgundy square.  What I like in this series of tie is that the pin dots are  not one color but two, giving the pin dot tie which is normally somewhat sedate a little bit of life.  Again a bit rushed tonight so links will have to wait till tomorrow, but you can rate and comment regardless :-)

Here with the square detail.

And here I swapped out the square for a linen blue and white contrast.  The Blue works against the blue dots in the tie and with grey in general.  In this case the fact that i left too much of the square peeking out it looks out of place.  In general though it would look perfect.


  1. I like the blue and white linen square.Very versatile accessory.


  2. Indeed light blue is probably one of the more versatile colors that exists.

    It works well with Blues, Navy, Black, Brown, and Charcoal as well as Yellow, Green etc...


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